
Sunday 27 January 2013

January 27, 2013

Pielago family went to church in Victory Fort with Tito William. Got to see them. Spent time with Joni too! She had to do her photography assignment so we went to Highstreet for that. Took some shots also since I brought my cam. 

Pictures may look alike. haha! I'm sorry, adjusting to the light!

Thursday 10 January 2013


Discovered this site. Ask me anything! :)

Tuesday 8 January 2013


I finally tried baking Red Velvets! The opportunity came during Christmas Break
I actually wanted to bake since summer but I did not find the time and ingredients to do so. Haha!
Here are some of the batches that I made. :D

My sister suggested I mix two colors in one cupcake. It looks cute! :D

 Mini Red Velvet Cupcakes for our Christmas gathering in Dahilayan.

If you want to get the recipe for this, go to this site:

New Lens

Thank You Lord for the blessing! Parents got me lenses for Christmas! 
Been praying, You answered :)

Test shot (Sigma 70-300mm)

Friday 4 January 2013

New Year in Singapore

A Cold Christmas in Dahilayan

The whole family decided to spend Christmas in Dahilayan since the employees had their teambuilding activity on the 23rd of December. We stayed in Mountain Pines. We had the whole place to ourselves. It was so much fun. Here are some of the best pictures I took during the holiday.